Wednesday, August 5, 2009

REM Sleep, REM Sleep, where for art thou REM sleep?????

Ugh. Yesterday was the first day I officially decided that I am DONE being pregnant. Over it. I'm ready to have this baby. The only thing I will miss is feeling the baby move inside me. THAT is an extraordinarily cool feeling. But I'm getting to where I'm not sleeping hardly at all which is making me "Mean Jennifer". It's not a pretty site folks. If I have offended any of you, I completely apologize. It's nothing personal. I'm just exceptionally cranky these days.

I am feeling a mixture of fear and excitement as well. I'm scared about labor. Well, not scared. Let's say apprehensive. I'm apprehensive about labor, but know that it's a means to an end and there is no way around it. And I get the prize at the end.

My bones hurt too. Especially my hip bones. And the new thing is when the baby presses on my sciatic nerve. That's extremely unpleasant.

I go back to the doctor on Friday. Can't wait to get an update!

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