Thursday, June 11, 2009

The revisions in the diet are working already...

Well that was quick. Cutting the carbs has got my sugars regulated. I'm sure the medicine is helping too! My doc should be happy ! Hopefully this will continue to work and I can carry the baby to full-term.

But after he gets here? I DEMAND a large chocolate milkshake from Steak and Shake and a cupcake from The Cupcakery! I will send my hubby out on this very special mission! lol.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the diet is working; diets are bad enough but bearable when you're actually feeling the results!! Enjoy your shake after he arrives, Steak and Shake is the BEST!!!!

Also, have you been to the Adorable Child (Consignment shop in Farragut)? I just found some amazing deals there...they have the CUTEST stuff and all in really good condition. You may want to check it out!!!

Jennifer's Baby Blog said...

You know, I have only bought one piece of clothing for the baby and a few things for the nursery. I guess I'm still scared to buy things? I'm not sure what my deal is. I think I'm afraid I"ll jynx it. But I WILL go check out the store. Thanks for the recommendation!

Susie said...

Jennifer, I was watching "A Baby Story" not very long ago. The wife, after having the baby, asked her husband to stop at some deli place and get her a sandwich of some sort. They had just left the hospital and on their way home. She wasn't allowed to have this sandwich while she was pregnant. So you should have your hubby do that when you are discharged from the hospital. Take care of yourself and that bundle of joy.