Monday, June 8, 2009

My babies name

Tell me mother's and father's out there. Is it customary to announce your babies name before he/she is even born? I get asked this question all the time and I just don't know yet. I am about 99% sure of his name, but even still, I'm not ready to announce it yet. He's not even born yet! Maybe in my position, I don't want 1000's of people referring to my unborn child by name yet? It's still early. Things can happen. I'm terrified that something will go wrong. So I guess by calling the baby by a name, makes it even more real. It makes me grow even more attached to this baby that I already love so much, but haven't met yet.

So am I wrong, to keep the babies name to myself and get offended when people ask? Or do you feel this way too?

Even though I wanted to know the sex of the baby, perhaps not announcing his name yet is a way to keep the element of surprise there? I'm truly trying to figure out why it bothers me when people ask me what his name is. . And I'm trying to remember if I have asked other pregnant women the name of their baby. I think I have. I think it's just human nature to ask the name and I should just get over it.

Okay. I'm gonna' get over it. But I'm still not telling strangers my babies name. Not gonna' do it. You'll just have to wait til he gets here. ;)


Jennifer said...

It's totally your choice whether you tell people his name or not. There is always a chance that someone may "steal" the name you've chosen. It happened to me. Ha! No biggy. =)

Mama's the Boss said...

I told my baby's name before she was born. I wanted to keep it a secret, but some family members got upset about it. I figured it wasn't something for people to get upset about--we had decided on it 100% (unless the ultrasound was wrong).

Anonymous said...

This is YOUR decision and I don't think anyone could blame you for not wanting to share. I don't think I would tell anyone either if I had as many listeners as you!!! You want to keep something private and what better than his name. I'm sure you've picked something wonderful and can't wait to hear what it is when he arrives!!

Donna Patterson said...

Congratulations Jennifer and hubby on your impending birth. I think you are totally right to keep your baby's name between you two. It's a private matter that no one else need know especially strangers. You are lucky you were able to decide already. I have three sons and they didn't have a name til the delivery room! lol Good luck and may the Lord bless your family.