Monday, July 27, 2009

My 36 week check-up

I went to see Dr. Martin last Friday for my 36 week check up.  36 weeks!?!  My how time flies.  This check-up included an ultrasound, a check of my cervix and another test that wasn't bad, but that I shall not discuss.  Everything went just fine.  My son weighs 6.4 pounds now which Dr. Martin says is in the 57th percentile.  I think it's kinda cool how she just KNOWS what percentile a baby is.  Smart lady.  

My blood sugars are still doing fine.  It is totally obvious when I've cheated though.  A little spike here and there tells her exactly when I've cheated and I've been completely honest.  She scolded me just a bit, but is still happy overall with my results.

The checking of the cervix.  I gotta' tell you.  I believe that was the most unpleasant thing I have ever felt in my life. At least up until now.  Nurse Rhonda confirmed to me that the checking of the cervix is nothing on the pain scale compared to labor.  I suppose I got a little preview of what's to come.  Thank God my doctor has little hands and skinny arms.  That's not what it felt like, but I imagine that experience could have been much worse.  

So the plan as of right now is to let labor happen naturally which is a relief.  If he's not here by his due date of August 24th, we discussed dates to induce.  Doc doesn't want me to go more than one week past my due date, and quite frankly, neither do I.  

1 comment:

Mama's the Boss said...

I am guessing that your other test was for Strep--and I'm not talking about the kind in your throat!!!