Tuesday, July 14, 2009

All systems are go! I had a great doctor's appointment!

Yesterday I had a 34 week check-up and follow up on my Gestational Diabetes testing. Looks like Doc and I have it figured out! My sugars are regulated, my weight is stable and the babies weight is normal so for now, I am doing GREAT! She doesn't see any reason to induce me early unless something changes. So she will let me go to 40 weeks, but not past it. I am SO relieved that we have things under control. At least for now.

I go back next Friday the 24th for my final ultrasound where she checks everything out and I have various tests done. I'm excited to see my boy again! Even if it's even on a computer screen.

I have a good friend who is due the day before me and she's having complications with her blood pressure. Her doctor told her to be ready to be put in the hospital anytime and induced because of the problems. She is so upset. She didn't want to be induced. But of course, she will do what is best for the baby.