Friday, September 4, 2009

Two weeks old today!

Alex and I have successfully made it two weeks!  It's been an interesting journey learning about Alex.  He has very distinct cries.  I have figured out a couple of them so far, but there are a few that remain a mystery.  He has pretty much kept the crying to his basic needs, but each evening he seems to like crying for no reason.  Can't quite figure that one out!  

He is a beautiful, healthy baby boy and he is developing nicely.  And like his Mommy...the boy likes to eat!  ;)


Anonymous said...

I'm sure, like all of us, you get more advice than you want but I wanted to tell you one thing about the crying. My son cried EVERYDAY at dinner time. I learned the hard way not to overstimulate him. That would prolong it and make it worse. I just would sit down and rock or walk outside but don't change it up. Stick to whatever you decide to do and wait it out. I was told it was Colic and be glad he's not waiting until the night. They will do it within 2 hours of the same time each night. Anyway, he's beautiful and enjoy every minute!

Jennifer's Baby Blog said...

I truly appreciate this advice. He does seem to enjoy pitching a little fit each evening. They don't last long thank goodness and I have found some ways to calm him, but will try these things too. Thanks!