WHAT have I gotten myself into??????!!!!!! My husband I went to our 2nd Labor and Delivery class last night. This session covered the stages of labor, what happens during labor, how long it can take, how painful it can be, epidurals, drugs, inducing and C-sections. It was completely overwhelming and I am officially freaking out!
I know it all leads to the incredible prize at the end, but I gotta' tell you, I'm not excited about the pain part.
Doc says it's time to think about when I would like to be induced. I'm trying to decide if I want to be induced or let the baby decide when he's ready to come out. There is a part of me, the organized structured part, that would like to know exactly when all this going to shake down for planning purposes. The other part of me, the free-spirited tree-hugging side thinks God should decide when it's time for the baby to come. Which side will win? Time will tell.
Pray and all will work out!!!
I still think when the baby is ready it will come out - that is the way God intended it to be and after having three daughers go through natural childbirth (no drugs) I can say that if you wait it is much easier. My first daughter came on her own and the pain tolerance built up as it went but my second child was induced and the pain that went with the pitocin was knee buckling.
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