I hesitated whether to share this information with you or not because it is a private matter and I don't want the judgmental people attacking me over this. But I decided that I will not attempt to breastfeed. I have been torn about this decision since I first found out I was pregnant. I have read everything I can find regarding breastfeeding vs. bottlefeeding. But ultimately, it is what is best for me and the baby. Bottlefeeding will be best for both of us. Are you judging me right now? Well, that is your right. But I ask you to respect my feelings on this matter. What was right for you, is not necessarily right for me. The reason I decided to disclose this information is because there may be others of you out there that are in the process of trying to make this huge decision and I wanted to let you know that I am on your side if you choose to bottlefeed. My husband and I both were bottlefed babies and we are both fine from the formula served up in the 70's. Formula has improved a lot since then and I have no concerns about my decision.
If you feel like you need to criticize me for this decision...I advise you not to. My mood ain't so great these days. I will verbally thrash you. So don't waste your time. lol.