As soon as people find out I am pregnant, they immediately ask me two questions. The first, do you know what it is? The second, have you picked out a name? Makes sense right? These are very natural questions, but I will be the first to tell you that I will answer the first question for you no problem. But the second? NO WAY!
There are several reasons why I wish people would stop asking me what my unborn child's name is. Here are my reasons. He's not here yet. I still refer to him as "the baby" or "he". At 25 almost 26 weeks pregnant, I am just working on keeping myself and the baby healthy. I am also working on making sure that the nursery is ready and that my husband and I are ready. I am also terrified that something will go wrong. So to actually refer to my unborn child by name, seems crazy to me. It's too personal and it's still too early for me to do that. In fact, I doubt I will refer to him by name until he is placed in my arms for the first time and becomes real rather than something jumping up and down on my bladder.
Now I will tell you that I feel a person's name is extremely important and of course my husband and I have discussed it. And I can assure you that we will not name our child something wierd that will embarass him for most of his life. But it is subject to change until the baby arrives. So another reason I don't want to "broadcast" his name, is because it may change.
So, if you ask me my baby's name and I tell you I haven't decided yet, please understand my reasons. I may be the only mother-to-be in the world who feels this way, but it's how I feel. In fact, I would encourage you not to ask a pregnant woman or the father-to-be if she has come up with a name for her baby yet. Just a suggestion. Chances are good, many agree with my feelings on this matter. Do you? Let me know. Post your answer to my baby blog at
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