I reckon since I am a larger gal, my Doctor felt I should take the Gestational Diabetes test at 18 weeks as opposed to the normal 28 weeks. So yesterday at 3:05pm I had to drink this orange crushy flavored liquid and at 4:05pm the nurse drew my blood to test for diabetes. No big deal really. I also had them draw blood to test for Down Syndrome which is commonly done at 18 weeks.
I received a call from the nurse this morning and my test came back elevated to I have to go back in on Monday for a three hour test. So I can't eat anything from midnight Sunday night until around Noon on Monday. That is going to be NO FUN, however preventing future problems is the main goal here.
Keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't have Gestational Diabetes. I really hope not.
I'm really sorry to hear that you have to have the second test. :(
Either way it works out, you will have a beautiful and healthy baby.
Jennifer, first of all, congratulations! I had gestational diabetes with my daughter, Meghann. I was able to control it with diet - only after my doctor threatened me with daily insulin shots! Here's hoping you don't have it, but if so, it's fairly easy to control. If I can do it, anyone can!
Hey Jennifer! I also had gestational diabetes with my 2nd daughter, Katie. I controlled it with diet and it really wasn't that difficult. You'll do just fine and you'll have a beautiful baby boy/girl in August. Will keep you in my prayers! Congratulations!
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I took the test yesterday and I am waiting for the results. They haven't called...yet.
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