Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mini Identity Crisis

Alex is 20 days old today and he and I both are getting into a groove with each other.  I love being a Mom, but I'm sort of having a mini identity crisis.  How do I be who I was and be who I am now at the same time?  Sound confusing?  It is.  No matter how many people said "a baby changes everything", I really didn't GET IT until now.  A baby truly does change everything.  For the better, but it's an interesting life-altering change.  I can't just come and go as I please the way I used to.  It's  not necessarily about what I want now.  Alex comes first.  When his needs are met, I can think about taking care of something I want or need.  

It's interesting.  

1 comment:

Theresa Saxon said...

My "babies" are 18 and 21 yrs old... It seems so recently that I was exactly where you are.

Unless we re-invent ourselves every few years we become very stale. Some ppl do that by getting a new wardrobe, a new makeover, a new spouse, a new job, a new religion, lots of different ways. But the best is what you've done here: a new life. You have added zest and commitment to your life. It's healthy, natural, and sooooo fun!

God bless you, Jennifer!
Theresa Saxon