I had my first child, a boy in the Summer of 2009. And now, the adventure begins.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
My right foot is fatter than my left foot
So today I have the honor of being the emcee for the 6th year in a row at the Go Red For Women Luncheon. I bought a new shirt. Lane Bryant is my clothing store of choice when it comes to public appearances. Good quality, fits me. I like it. So I got a new shirt and I'm all excited about that. I'm wearing the one pair of black pants that fit me. Also from lane Bryant. But I didn't consider shoes until this morning. I put on my trusty pair of black shoes and discovered that my right foot is fatter than my left foot. The shoes are a bit too tight as it is due to some swelling I have been experiencing but my right shoe is even tighter. Know what I did? I packed my flip flops in my purse. As soon as the luncheon is over, I'm changing my shoes.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I have gained 10 pounds...and I got in trouble for it.
So, I LOVE my OB/GYN. LOVE her...but she gave me a bit of a lecture yesterday about gaining 10 pounds so far in my pregnancy. I trust my doctor too but all the books and websites I read about pregnancy say a 10 to 12 pound weight gain is normal at 23 weeks. AND, I have spoken with several new mothers and currently pregnant women who have given me a variety of weights. One had gained 25 pounds by 23 weeks. Another has gained 20 pounds and is currently 23 weeks. My sister who is almost 14 weeks has already gained 5 pounds.
So I wonder...have I really done that bad gaining 10 pounds? I have been pretty careful for the most part, but will admit to you that I have indulged more in the sweets than I normally do.
Here's what I think. I think my doctor is playing reverse psychology on me. She is probably not THAT concerned about my 10 pound weight gain so far, but she is lecturing me on not gaining too much to prevent me from going nuts like many pregnant women do when they are pregnant. I will admit that it has worked so far because she has been stern about my weight since week 6 when I first saw her. I was already overweight before I got pregnant, so the 10 pound increase so far is already taking it's toll on me.
She also told me yesterday that I automatically have to take the 3 hour gestational diabetes test at my next appointment. Yucky. That will be on May 26th. My wedding anniversary. Just what I had in mind to celebrate the day! Ha Ha! It's okay though. I would take that test everyday if I had to and make sure my baby is healthy and doing okay. It's all totally worth it.
But back to the weight gain. As soon as I got home from my appointment I ate a handful of Dorito's just to rebel a little bit. But then I felt kind of bad. For dessert that night, I skipped the cheesecake and had a fat free popsicle when I got home. See? Her lecture is already working.
Now WHO is going to discipline me AFTER the baby is born? I wonder if Dr. Martin is for hire as a weight loss coach?
So I wonder...have I really done that bad gaining 10 pounds? I have been pretty careful for the most part, but will admit to you that I have indulged more in the sweets than I normally do.
Here's what I think. I think my doctor is playing reverse psychology on me. She is probably not THAT concerned about my 10 pound weight gain so far, but she is lecturing me on not gaining too much to prevent me from going nuts like many pregnant women do when they are pregnant. I will admit that it has worked so far because she has been stern about my weight since week 6 when I first saw her. I was already overweight before I got pregnant, so the 10 pound increase so far is already taking it's toll on me.
She also told me yesterday that I automatically have to take the 3 hour gestational diabetes test at my next appointment. Yucky. That will be on May 26th. My wedding anniversary. Just what I had in mind to celebrate the day! Ha Ha! It's okay though. I would take that test everyday if I had to and make sure my baby is healthy and doing okay. It's all totally worth it.
But back to the weight gain. As soon as I got home from my appointment I ate a handful of Dorito's just to rebel a little bit. But then I felt kind of bad. For dessert that night, I skipped the cheesecake and had a fat free popsicle when I got home. See? Her lecture is already working.
Now WHO is going to discipline me AFTER the baby is born? I wonder if Dr. Martin is for hire as a weight loss coach?
Monday, April 27, 2009
The baby kicked so hard my shirt moved!
So I've been waiting for the time when I can actually SEE the baby kicking. I've just been able to feel it up until this point. Friday night I was laying in bed reading and felt the baby moving around. I put my hand on my belly and the baby kicked so hard that my shirt AND my hand moved! It was so COOL! And kinda wierd too. It's such an interesting feeling when the baby is moving. I went to see The Producers at the Oak Ridge Playhouse Saturday night and everytime the band played, the baby started moving around. Apparantly he is already a fan of plays and musicals! My good little cultured baby!
My right arm is numb most of the time...
ugh...pregnancy carpal tunnel syndrome. True and no fun! I had some issues with carpal tunnel and tendonitis in my elbow before. It had gone away for quite sometime but has returned in full force with my pregnancy. In fact, my right hand it a bit numb as I'm typing this. I can't sleep on my right side at all because I wake up with pins and needles in my arm. It's annoying and I hope it will go back into hiding after the baby is born.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Virtual Baby Shower from MomLogic
Don’t Let the Recession Get You Down, Baby! MOMLOGIC.COMIs Throwing YOU A FREE Virtual Baby Shower Saturday, April 25, 20091:00PM – 3:00PM ET. All guests will receive a party favor and a chance to win great prizes!
Momlogic.com is proud to announce that we’ll be hosting our first-ever FREE Virtual Baby Shower on Saturday, April 25, 2009 from 1:00 PM – 3:00PM ET. For two hours only, the momlogic community will be handing out over $2500 in amazing gifts -- the GRAND PRIZE totaling over $1000! Everyone is invited to attend including; pregnant moms, newbie moms, grandmas, aunts, friends or anyone who has a baby to shop for! Family and friends from all across the country can join-in celebrating the mom to be without travel or cost of throwing a big event! All participating guests in the baby shower will receive a special party favor and are eligible to win great prizes throughout the event like; beautiful blankets and clothing, every day necessities, beauty products, a baby carrier, a highchair, bassinet, designer diaper bag and changing table! To attend at the momlogic.com Virtual Baby Shower, head to the momlogic community at www.community.momlogic.com and click on the link to our April Shower.
Momlogic.com is the premier destination for mothers online, that serves up an honest, real and often humorous perspective. By posting topical, entertaining and relevant stories about the lives of mothers and their families the site helps moms stay connected to each other and the ever-changing world around them.
Momlogic.com is proud to announce that we’ll be hosting our first-ever FREE Virtual Baby Shower on Saturday, April 25, 2009 from 1:00 PM – 3:00PM ET. For two hours only, the momlogic community will be handing out over $2500 in amazing gifts -- the GRAND PRIZE totaling over $1000! Everyone is invited to attend including; pregnant moms, newbie moms, grandmas, aunts, friends or anyone who has a baby to shop for! Family and friends from all across the country can join-in celebrating the mom to be without travel or cost of throwing a big event! All participating guests in the baby shower will receive a special party favor and are eligible to win great prizes throughout the event like; beautiful blankets and clothing, every day necessities, beauty products, a baby carrier, a highchair, bassinet, designer diaper bag and changing table! To attend at the momlogic.com Virtual Baby Shower, head to the momlogic community at www.community.momlogic.com and click on the link to our April Shower.
Momlogic.com is the premier destination for mothers online, that serves up an honest, real and often humorous perspective. By posting topical, entertaining and relevant stories about the lives of mothers and their families the site helps moms stay connected to each other and the ever-changing world around them.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
When my bladder is full, I feel the baby moving more...
Okay, I know this is going to sound wierd, but I have to believe others have felt this way too. I just started to feel the baby move two weeks ago so it's still this new and amazing feeling everytime it happens. Well when my bladder is full I guess it gives the baby a wee bit less room so I actually feel it moving more. It's such an incredible thing that hate to go empty my bladder. Don't get me wrong, it's not ONLY when my bladder is full, but I feel it moving more than usual. But alas...can't leave the bladder full. That's unpleasant.
Monday, April 20, 2009
How can people who have never had children shove their advice down your throat?
Other than the overwhelming joy that I feel at expecting my baby boy in August, I have noticed some fairly minor annoyances that come with being pregnant. People's overwhelming need to shove their advice down your throat. Don't get me wrong, if you've had a baby before, I welcome your advice. This is the first time for me and I have a lot to learn. But the other night I was at a party and this woman who had never had children and said she never wanted to have any "rugrats" started lecturing me on breastfeeding and labor. I just sort of looked at her in amazement. She is a good friend of mine, but I wanted to scream at her to shut up. How on earth does she feel like she can give ME advice about what to do? She has never had any children. How could she possibly know and why does she feel the need to lecture me on what decisions I should make for myself? I decided to take the high-road and simply say "thanks for your opinion" and changed the subject. Oh...I love my outspoken friend, but she is treading where she shouldn't tread. Pregnancy hormones are not a joke. One day she may see my bad side if she keeps it up.
So...if you are reading this blog, you might ask the expectant mother "may I give you some advice?" before you automatically push your opinions on her. It's an overwhelming time and there is SO much information to read and to learn before the baby comes, much left after he or she gets here. Don't assume that just because she is a first time mom, she knows nothing. Chances are good, she's already been presented with a ton of advice.
Better yet? Let her know if she has any questions, you would be happy to give her any advice that you can. And leave it at that.
So...if you are reading this blog, you might ask the expectant mother "may I give you some advice?" before you automatically push your opinions on her. It's an overwhelming time and there is SO much information to read and to learn before the baby comes, much left after he or she gets here. Don't assume that just because she is a first time mom, she knows nothing. Chances are good, she's already been presented with a ton of advice.
Better yet? Let her know if she has any questions, you would be happy to give her any advice that you can. And leave it at that.
I have been inducted into the Mom's Club
Did you KNOW there was a Mom's club? I mean, there are official Mom's Club's...but I mean, the great big, huge, Mom's club that you are welcomed into once you become pregnant? That one.
It's so interesting to me that as soon as I woke up the morning of December 16th and took that pregnancy test that came up positive, I automatically started viewing the world an entirely different way. I began paying attention to television and magazine ads pertaining to babies. It seemed like pregnant women were all around me. And all of a sudden I could relate to the millions of mothers out there. It's like you run around through life with sunglasses on. When you discover you are pregnant, the sunglasses come off and you are viewing everything differently.
It's an interesting place to be, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
It's so interesting to me that as soon as I woke up the morning of December 16th and took that pregnancy test that came up positive, I automatically started viewing the world an entirely different way. I began paying attention to television and magazine ads pertaining to babies. It seemed like pregnant women were all around me. And all of a sudden I could relate to the millions of mothers out there. It's like you run around through life with sunglasses on. When you discover you are pregnant, the sunglasses come off and you are viewing everything differently.
It's an interesting place to be, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Sleep as much as you can before the baby comes...yeah...riiiiiight.....
From the moment I found out I was pregnant and began telling people, the one major piece of advice I have received is to "enjoy all the sleep you can before the baby comes". I understand WHY I'm getting this advice believe me. I'm ready to be exhausted and sleep deprived for several months after the baby comes. But quite honestly? I've been sleep deprived since about 10 weeks! Getting up every two hours to go to the bathroom. Flopping my pregnant belly back in forth as I try to turn in bed. There are only two ways that I can sleep. On my left side or on my back. If I sleep on my right side, my right arm falls asleep. Dreaming strange dreams doesn't help in the sleep department either.
What people should say is this: sleep as much as you can...in bits and pieces...before the baby comes. Or basically...enjoy the freedom to sleep as much as you can before the baby comes. ;)
I'm 22 weeks pregnant today. I can't wait til the baby gets here. Bring on the exhaustion! I'm ready for it!
What people should say is this: sleep as much as you can...in bits and pieces...before the baby comes. Or basically...enjoy the freedom to sleep as much as you can before the baby comes. ;)
I'm 22 weeks pregnant today. I can't wait til the baby gets here. Bring on the exhaustion! I'm ready for it!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
She ate her placenta. WHAT??!!!!!!!!!
Would you eat your placenta???
Okay...if you want to, feel free. But I am going to talk about this for a minute. YUCK!!!!!!!!! Why is this information even being SENT to me? I don't want to read that, hear about that and I certainly don't want to DO that!!!!!!!! GROSS!
It makes me nauseated to even read the article about the mom who did. If you are in your first trimester DO NOT click on this link: (i warned you)
Okay...if you want to, feel free. But I am going to talk about this for a minute. YUCK!!!!!!!!! Why is this information even being SENT to me? I don't want to read that, hear about that and I certainly don't want to DO that!!!!!!!! GROSS!
It makes me nauseated to even read the article about the mom who did. If you are in your first trimester DO NOT click on this link: (i warned you)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My racing heart...continued
The doctors office called to find out my symptoms. They are so thorough and caring. I totally love them. It's Dr. Duy-Thu Martin by the way. She is an independent OB/GYN. She and her nurses are fabulous. She's at St. Mary's.
So, nurse Rhonda called to speak with me and told me that doc says to drink more fluids. Dehydration is one reason my heart might race. She also recommends the vitamins calcium and magnesium in addition to my prenatal vitamins if the problem persists.
Other than that night...I've been fine. I'm beginning to think the waitress served me caffeinated coffee rather than decaf. I bet that was it. Makes total sense.
Hopefully I won't have that problem again. That was scary.
So, nurse Rhonda called to speak with me and told me that doc says to drink more fluids. Dehydration is one reason my heart might race. She also recommends the vitamins calcium and magnesium in addition to my prenatal vitamins if the problem persists.
Other than that night...I've been fine. I'm beginning to think the waitress served me caffeinated coffee rather than decaf. I bet that was it. Makes total sense.
Hopefully I won't have that problem again. That was scary.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Help Babies in Need...
Here are two charities that collect gently used items for babies in need:
Newborns in Need- they collect gently used items like small toys, rattles, blankets and clothing.
Project Night Night - they collect "like new" blankets, books and stuffed animals and give them to children living in homeless shelters.
Newborns in Need- they collect gently used items like small toys, rattles, blankets and clothing.
Project Night Night - they collect "like new" blankets, books and stuffed animals and give them to children living in homeless shelters.
My racing heart...
Last night I woke up about 1:15am and my heart was racing. And the little boy was moving around like crazy and my right arm was asleep. I swore I was having a heart attack! I got up and paced back and forth for a bit and tried to take some deep breaths. I went to the four pregnancy books I had and not one of them mentioned a racing heartbeat and what it meant. Stinkin' books. No help! So then I got online and started looking at the pregnancy forums. Whew! Thank goodness. Apparantly a faster heartbeat is normal and has to do with the blood volume. I took my pulse and it was elevated but not above normal. I called my doctor's office and left a message asking them to call me today so I could talk with them about it for some reassurance. They haven't called me back yet, but I will be calling them again here shortly.
This is the website I found incredibly helpful: http://www.pregnancy-info.net/
Use it, love it.
This is the website I found incredibly helpful: http://www.pregnancy-info.net/
Use it, love it.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hormones...Shmormones...until now...
So one of my good friends is also pregnant and she's due the day before me. She says she will snap emotionally at the drop of a hat. Either she's crying or she's mad about something trivial.
Well I have been doing okay with the emotions so far. I cry a little quicker when I see something sad or watch baby stuff on tv and I had one little breakdown in my first trimester with my poor husband when I explained that our house was a deathtrap and gave him a honey do list that will go down in history as being the longest honey do list ever.
But recently, I have noticed that I get really irritated sometimes. I mean...really...irritated. Angry over things that wouldn't typically bother me that much. Like when the computer runs too slow I develop a "Why Me!" complex. Or when I drop something I'll huff and puff like it's the worst thing in the world. I mean things are just aggravating to me that really shouldn't be.
I have noticed that "Evil Jennifer" comes out around 2pm in the afternoon until around 3:30pm when I get really tired. So beware... and may I apologize to you in advance and blame it on the hormones?
Well I have been doing okay with the emotions so far. I cry a little quicker when I see something sad or watch baby stuff on tv and I had one little breakdown in my first trimester with my poor husband when I explained that our house was a deathtrap and gave him a honey do list that will go down in history as being the longest honey do list ever.
But recently, I have noticed that I get really irritated sometimes. I mean...really...irritated. Angry over things that wouldn't typically bother me that much. Like when the computer runs too slow I develop a "Why Me!" complex. Or when I drop something I'll huff and puff like it's the worst thing in the world. I mean things are just aggravating to me that really shouldn't be.
I have noticed that "Evil Jennifer" comes out around 2pm in the afternoon until around 3:30pm when I get really tired. So beware... and may I apologize to you in advance and blame it on the hormones?
My sister is having a baby too!!!!!!!!!
I found out over the weekend that my baby sister will be having her second child in October! That is so exciting! Boy...this is going to be a crazy Christmas. A 5 year old, 4 year old, 2 year old and two infants. Wow....
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
I'm a bad blogger....
Sorry...I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated my blog!
Here are some updates:
1) I DO NOT have gestational diabetes. Not for now anyway. I have to take the test again at 28 weeks.
2) I'm 20 weeks today! Halfway there!
3) I find out the sex this Wednesday.
4) I felt the baby move on Saturday! What an amazing experience! I immediately started crying and said "well hello there!". The kid hasn't stopped moving since. I can't wait til SHIM starts kicking me in the ribs.
Here are some updates:
1) I DO NOT have gestational diabetes. Not for now anyway. I have to take the test again at 28 weeks.
2) I'm 20 weeks today! Halfway there!
3) I find out the sex this Wednesday.
4) I felt the baby move on Saturday! What an amazing experience! I immediately started crying and said "well hello there!". The kid hasn't stopped moving since. I can't wait til SHIM starts kicking me in the ribs.
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