I had my first child, a boy in the Summer of 2009. And now, the adventure begins.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bring on the Granny Pannies!
Yes, I am aware that I spelled Pannies wrong. But I will tell you that this is one of the terms I hate to describe underwear. However, I feel there is no better descriptive term for the extensive materialed garments I will have to buy to fit my derrier...I just realized that my Hi-Cut briefs are cutting right above the babies head. Probably not a good idea. Plus, either the elastic is shot, or these things are not fitting me anymore. So off I go...to spend more money that I do not have for Granny Pannies!!!!!!!!!!!! And I need pants too. Sweatpants really are not acceptable at work.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Placenta Brain
So have you heard about Placenta brain? If you are pregnant you already know about this and you may call it something else. Placenta brain to me is the inevitable confusion that comes with pregnancy. The "blonde moment" so to speak. This one is hilarious. One of my good friends is also pregnant and she is due the day before me. She put on her socks and boots and laced them up and started walking out the door when she realized she had no pants on. BahahahaAAAAAA!!!! That's hilarious! For me? This is a big placenta brain moment. I booked two plane tickets to St. Louis for the end of March. When the charges showed up on my checking account it looked funny to me and I freaked out, cancelled my debit card and filled out fraud forms at the bank. Whoops...all is well thank goodness, but seriously? How embarassing.
Have you had placenta brain moments you would like to share?
Have you had placenta brain moments you would like to share?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
So I guess you don't get an ultrasound everytime...bummer
I went for my 14 week appt yesterday and I was all excited to see the growing baby again. Psyche! Nope...apparantly you don't get an ultrasound everytime. My mistake. I'm not sure why I assumed that? I did get to hear the baby's heartbeat which is nice and strong, but I didn't get to see it. Bummer. That's okay though. Everything is going well so far. I have gained 3 pounds since my last appointment four weeks ago...oops. I swear my hiking boots counted for 2 of those pounds.
I have to take my gestational diabetes test at 18 weeks. That's about 10 weeks early. My doctor isn't necessarily concerned, but wants to make sure everything is okay so I have to drink this orange stuff an hour before my next appointment.
Then at 20 weeks on April 8th...we get to find out the gender! I can't wait!
Keep ya' posted!
I have to take my gestational diabetes test at 18 weeks. That's about 10 weeks early. My doctor isn't necessarily concerned, but wants to make sure everything is okay so I have to drink this orange stuff an hour before my next appointment.
Then at 20 weeks on April 8th...we get to find out the gender! I can't wait!
Keep ya' posted!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Why do some baby websites get your due date and week all wrong?!
So I go to said baby website and I plug in my info and it comes up with some insane due date and says I'm a week ahead of where I am? What is UP with that???? My favorite website is www.babycenter.com. It has all my information right and I love the information they send. Sorry if you are a fan of What to Expect but I don't like that book and I don't like that website. Everyone is different in what they need and I guess I need more of a lighthearted approach to what I'm going through. My sister has said that Girlfriends guide to pregnancy is great too!
Thanks to Me & Mommy to Be!
Janice at Me & Mommy to Be at the Gallery Shopping Center in Knoxville was so nice! She e-mailed me because I was talking about how my clothes don't fit. She was telling me that they have a nice selection of Maternity Clothing at her shop. I explained to her that I need larger clothing and she told me she had just ordered some jeans in my size. Can't wait to go check it out! Thanks Janice for taking the time to e-mail me. ;)
My clothes don't fit...
So, I'm having some difficulties in the clothing department. I had to fold and store my final pair of jeans last week. I have now resorted to knit maternity pants. I am a jeans girl so this has been a bit troubling for me. Yes, I know they make maternity jeans, but I haven't had any luck finding some that fit me yet. They are either way too small or way too big. I haven't looked forward to shopping so I haven't made much of an effort. But I will have to now. I had to wear sweatpants on Friday. I apologize profusely to my boss and explained I was having some difficulty with my clothes. My boss has been SO supportive of me. He was very cool about the clothing issues. I assured him I would work on that. ;) So a-shopping I will go. A-shopping I will go...
I reckon' I'm gonna' have a baby...
FINALLY! at 36 years old, the efforts paid off and I am finally pregnant! I am expecting my first baby in late August and I am so excited I can't stand it! I found out the morning after the company Christmas party. Thankfully, I didn't indulge TOO much at the Christmas party. I've never been much of a drinker. I randomly took a pregnancy test, hopeful it would be positive, but totally doubting it. All the signs of my "monthly visitor" were there. I couldn't possibly be pregnant! Well low and behold, the test was positive. WHAT???????? I started freaking out thinking this was some sort of joke. Did I DARE get excited? I called the doctor's office and she told me that if I went in that day, they would just do the same thing I did. She made an appointment for me when I would be at 6 weeks. I took five more pregnancy tests in the meantime, just to make sure.
I don't know how people don't TELL anyone! I immediately told the people closest to me and asked them to keep it quiet until after my first trimester. I didn't want to jynx anything.
I went to see my OB/GYN at 6 weeks and she immediately found the little peanut and heard a nice strong heartbeat. Yep, I was indeed pregnant. I totally started crying when I heard the heartbeat. It was so neat!
I went to the doctor again at 10 weeks and now today, is 14 weeks. I go again this afternoon. My baby is about the size of an orange I think . Feels more like a football.
I have so much more to write, but I have to get into the studio.
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